Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Morning After

No, I'm not hung of the perks of not drink = never been hung over! I'm talking about the morning after a big long day/couple of days prior where people come out of the wood work a little worse for wear, regroup, and start to work off the festive few days prior.

I put on a free boxing class, as the gym had cancelled all group classes for the two weeks over Christmas and New Year which I advertised to my family, friends, training groups and boxing class regulars; and had a surprisingly big turn out of 15. It was good to see people of all ages and levels of fitness come down and punch the crap out of their partner.

So my 'morning after's' are not about pulling myself out of last nights clothes and swearing to never drink again, but instead reconnecting with my fit fam and working hard!

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