Monday, December 2, 2013

The Big Day

People often say that about their wedding day, but that is no where near my radar yet. No my big day is Concert Day. Despite the hours of rehearsals and run throughs I've had with my kids leading up to today, it didn't stop my nerves waking me at 3am. Deciding not to fight it I was up and starting to pack bags of hair spray, safety pins, sewing kits, spare stockings and costume pieces and glitter.

We had out final class in the morning where we brought all the groups in at the same time and ran through each dance once, one final practice and it let them watch each others performances.

I'd quickly run into the office to sort out some music issues and when I came back into the big studio where we were running the dances I was surprised  by all my kids standing in the middle of the room holding a giant card which all of my 60 kids had written in and a big bunch of flowers to say thankyou and goodbye. It was so sweet and started my tears for the day.

The girls left the studio that morning, heading off to have their hair done and to start getting their tights and makeup on, excited and ready for the night they had worked all year for.

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