Friday, December 20, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

This morning was the last of the boxing classes I instruct for the year. So I threw everything at them. We did a '12 Days of Christmas' set where they added on the progressive number of combo's for each 'Day'. It was huge! And on the 12th day of Christmas, I gave them 12 times up and down the tree - kick knee upper cross, jab upper knee kick.

I finished with this one specifically for these two guys. They hate it!! All year they have been working on the order and coordination and keeping their pace up, but every time they have messed it up, gotten lost and just started throwing punches at each other, very funny to watch.

So today, after having to work through 11 combinations before even getting to Up/Down The Tree and their brains already popping out their ears from having to concentrate so hard, they NAILED the tree! Got through all 12 rounds without one mistake and kept their pace the whole time. That just proves, you practice something enough and it will be engrained into you, and men can be coordinated!

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