Sunday, December 29, 2013

Converting Another One

Not many people in the group I train with swim. But I'm slowly getting them into the pool one by one. Two of them have now decided that we a forming a Rotto Team (19.7km swim across the Rottnest Channel) for 2015 ...we missed the cut off for 2014, so we have 14 months to prepare.

My biggest challenge was getting someone back in who I fought to get in the water around 10 months ago. The first obstacle was not owning bathers. So I made her a spread sheet of online websites selling training bathers so she could find a pair...and she did - TICK! Then I gave her a pair of goggles - TICK! Then 10 months ago, with two other chicks, I got them all in the pool and started working on technique with them. This probably lasted a month.

10 months on we formed a deal...if she got in the pool, I would go in the gym. And today she did it! She couldn't find her bathers, and forgot her goggles (lucky I have a million back ups) but she got in a covered around 500m. WINNER!! Probably wasn't her most ideal way to spend a Sunday morning and she might not yet be a convert...but I'll get there!

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