Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas Day for us is full of family time. My morning saw my waking at 4.45, up and out the door for a 10km run to get myself going to for the day. Once my family was all up and going after my return we sat around our tree for a bit exchanging gifts and just chatting. 

Today, the day was being spent with Dads side of the family at his brothers house. There are twelve if us on this side of the family and the day is spent sitting around p, making fun of each other and ourselves for literally hours. Years in the past we have had less to talk about because we were all located and living in Perth. Now however one of us kids and two parents are now living in Sydney and had made the trip home for Christmas. We thought we'd have the whole family back together for this day, however another cousin, had booked a trip away with her boyfriend who is a professional footballer, so had no other options due to training commitments. as much as she didn't want to miss the family Christmas, she had to make the most of the time she had with her boyfriend and called us from the Maldives midway through the afternoon. We had our annual family photo and left a place for her in the photo where we plan to photo shop her in. 

For us it is a big day spent with the family reunited again, many debates, stories and laughs and could not imagine it any other way. I hope everyone out they had a fantastic Christmas Day spent with family and friends. 

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