Monday, December 9, 2013

Beating The Crowds, And Flies

My friend and I started our Sunday morning early. Growing up as swimmers, your body becomes so use to waking up before 5am that even on the weekends, 5am rolls around an PING your awake! So we were at the beach together and pounding the pavement by 7am.

The best parts about being an early riser? The sun is still coming up, there are no flies, and there are not many people up at this time with you. So everything is peaceful and still and you can find a car park no problems!

By the time we had finished our 8km walk the rest of the world had started waking up and finding a car park was getting a little tricky for them. It was shaping up to be a beautiful day and people were flocking to the beach. And 8.30am must be the wake up time for flies as well. We were happy to be able to escape them as quickly as possible...should have brought my fly disco ball!

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