Friday, December 6, 2013


Pinterest for those who haven't used it before is like an online pin up board. You scroll through pictures and web links and put the ones you like in your organised 'Boards'. You can find anything on Pinterest! DIY craft ideas, workouts, fashion, quotes and sayings recipes, pictures of holiday destinations, gift ideas ...everything is there.

I have recently started a page for my work as well - Sportswise Physiotherapy where patients can go and find diagrams and video links for their home exercise programs, how to do their own taping for their injuries, injury prevention and tips for maintaining their physical ability.

But that reason I'm thankful for Pinterest today is because it made me stay still. After the massive past few days I've had with dancing, work, and everything else that is going on, I am exhausted. But my nature is that I cannot stay still for more then 15-20 minutes at a time. I can't do nothing. I have to do two things at once all the time and sitting for any more that 15 minutes makes me frigidity and restless no matter how tired I am.

So today I sat down with my laptop and managed to stay in the same spot for around 40 mins, distracted by scrolling through this website. So while my brain on really had to process the images that were popping up on my screen, my body got to rest for 40 minutes instead of constantly getting up and going to hand washing, cleaning, packing, unpacking...whatever would cross my mind of things I needed to do.

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