Saturday, December 14, 2013

People Taking Out Time

Last week I was in the Christmas Pageant with my dance kids. On some of the floats were Channel 7 stars and other known celebrities. On the Aladdin's Genie float my dance school was allocated, we had a reported from Today Tonight's, Cassie Silver. Given most of the 8 year olds I had with me don't watch Today Tonight so had no idea who she was and proceeded to ask her 'Are you famous?'.

I am thankful for how good she was with my kids. With the fame question she replied 'Oh not really, I'm just a reporter on Today Tonight'. My kids respond with 'My mum watches that show!'. And as your typical 8 year old tends to do, they just kept fire questions at her. She was so good with them, answered all their questions, gave them all a hug and had photos taken with each of them.

On the float two behind us was Samantha Jade. So at the end of the pageant, when the floats were pulled into a holding pen and lined up next to each other, the girls were held on the float until all the surround floats had arrive, for safety reasons. So they saw when Samantha's float was drawn in as well. Despite being cold and out for a long day, she came over to say hi, have a quick chat with the girls and again got me to take photos with each of them. I am thankful for these people who take the time out of their busy lives to absolutely make these little girls nights!

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