Monday, January 6, 2014

A Chin Up

Although it may not be a big deal to some people, well probably most people, I have never been able to do a chin up but always wanted to. Growing up as a competitive swimmer, we were known for the upper body strength required to pull us through the water. I was an endurance swimmer, so my muscle endurance was pretty up there. My muscle strength on the other hand, not so crash hot.

I would always get funny looks when people found out I couldn't do a chin up....But your a swimmer?! they would say. Yep I know, a weak one! Since quitting professional swimming and changing my training program, I would like to think my strength has improved.

So one of my goals for 2014 was to be able to do a chin up. After doing a Crossfit event at the end of last year, where one of the workouts was to do a 1 RM weighted chin up (couldn't even do a body weight one), I, along with a friend who had been at the event also decided we were going to start chin up training. So I wrote us a program and we started it, this morning. At the end of it, she was like...go on, just try. Excited to say, I did one. So 6 days into the new year and goal is is 10 in a row!

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