Monday, January 20, 2014

Role Reversal...kind of

I am finishing off the final assessment for my Certificate III in Fitness...yay!! In order for finish this certificate I had to film a whole help of physical and health assessment skills, put together a training program designed to meet a clients goals and film myself putting them through this program.

So instead of putting me through pain, this lovely lady had to take it in return...payback!! This one loves her strength and resistance training, so when I sent her the aerobic or cardio program, I think her heart may have skipped a beat or five. However I was nice, I put her through a resistance program with the functional goal of over hand chin ups and only made her do 5 minutes of cardio as a warm up.

But my point here is, try living out of someone else's shoes or taking on someone else's role. It gives you a new challenge and you have to think from someone else's point of view. When your trainer is really killing you and you want to throw the dumbbell at their face, remember they are not hurting you just for the sake of hurting you...well most of the time their not. They have your goals in mind and your best interest at heart and are doing what they are doing to help you to become better.

So take another role, it will change your perspective...and can be fun!!

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