Monday, January 27, 2014

Australia Day

The 26th of January is Australia Day. The day the first fleet landed and Sydney Cove and the British set foot on land in 1788. Since that day, the meaning of Australia Day probably hasn't changed all that much, but the way it's celebrated probably has.

Particularly in Western Australia, this day is culturally huge! The day is typically spent involving the water - whether that be the beach, the river or the backyard pool, BBQ's with friends and family, beer and fire works. People are walking around the suburbs with Australian flags fashioned into items of clothing, yelling 'Happy Straya Day Mate' to complete strangers (half the time being completely sober as well) and people of all walks of life coming together to celebrate the day our country became a country.

Australia Day would be easily the biggest and most celebrated public holiday in our country, well particularly in WA. I have never celebrated in another state so I can't comment on how they do it (I did once celebrate it in Japan...not the same). But it is a day the Aussie spirit is truly shown to the world in all it's glory.

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