Friday, January 24, 2014

Noodle Races

You are never too old for a good noodle race, as was proved by my seniors during their hydro session with me yesterday!

I have been covering these classes while another Physio has been on leave and this morning was my last session with them before he returned, so I decided to have a little fun. And who knew these 'Spring Chickens' as they like to be called, could be so competitive?

Though the hardest part of the race for them was actually getting onto the noodle, once they did finally get on, they were off! They went to any length to get their team ahead. We had some powerful frog kick, a lot of doggy paddle, but my favourite was one particular lady who whipped out the goggles and was face down swimming freestyle with the noodle wedged between her legs! Everyone was laughing so hard they were struggling to keep their heads above water.

Team blue came out on top in the end, with team pink in a close second. With the tactics and determination shown by these ladies, you would of thought they were a group of 7 year olds, not 70 year olds! Which just goes to show, no matter how old you are, you never lose your fighting spirit and a bit of healthy competition is good at any age!

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