Thursday, January 23, 2014

Being Real

What even is perfect? Does it actually exist? Surely there is always something you can do better, a way to work harder, do something you have never done before.

I will admit I use to focus so heavily on perfection. I strived for perfection in every aspect of my life - studying, sporting arena, as a friend, as a daughter, as a person. I wanted perfection and rarely settled for anything less. If what I did wasn't perfect or in my opinion wasn't good enough, I had failed. and failure was almost as bad as not being perfect. It was a vicious cycle and it went on for years.

A couple of times when I fell short of my perception of perfection it really messed with me. I was inadequate, and not worthy of having a lot of what I considered to be the good things in my life. I had let myself down and I had let down the people I cared about. I was a failure. 

It wasn't until recently that I realized that perfection is no more then an idea in my own head and my idea of what perfect is, could be completely different to the person standing next to does it actually exist? I started to second guess everything I had thought about myself and my abilities and where I was headed. Someone said to me at this point, that if we succeed all the time, it gets boring. If you fail, you get to start over and work out what went wrong, change it, and when you do get it right, it feels like you have earnt it. 

Why do we get so caught up on our perception of perfection? Instead we should try to be the best versions of ourselves, and that is constantly changing and growing. So stop chasing perfect and start chasing yourself.

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