Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Blood Blister

In the world of Kettle Bells, calluses blisters and skin tears occur on a regular basis. This is due to the metal handle you send swinging around in your hand for up to hundreds of repetitions. Although I have some nice calluses on my hands, I have never had a skin tear or blister...until today. 

In the middle of another heat wave here in Perth, we were training at 6.30pm and the temp was still 36 degrees. It was hot. We were doing lighter bells and trying to get as many reps done in a time limit so I think the repetition and heat built up a lot of friction and caused this little beauty to form.  Luckily for me I noticed it early and avoiding the popping of the blood blister. 

At another recent session one of the guys did a great job of tearing up his hands. Such an inconvenience! This is just another one of those costs we pay for working hands! I have to say I feel a little sorry for my patients, my hands are now so rough. 

On the bright side though, the blister will heal and my hands will cope better with the load and the heat next time!

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