Sunday, January 19, 2014

Good Timing

Today has been crazy! Actually this whole weekend has been crazy! Today I was running my bootcamp in the morning (had to move it due to the craziness of the afternoon), then was going to film my final assessment for my Cert III in Fitness, before helping to set up for and attend a clothes swap party, before shooting off to a set of twins birthday party tonight. I also had to prep everything for the upcoming week as I am still working extra shifts for the Physios that are away.

So I was up and had started packing, organising, prepping for the day and the week to come. I've run a pretty hard and hot bootcamp and come home so continue with the above. You know when you work yourself up, stressing about all the stuff you need to do, to pack, things you need to remember that you spend more time thinking about all that stuff then getting anything done? I was there.

I came onto my computer to print out some of the documents I'm going to need for my assessment when my desktop picture loaded. My desktop is on a slideshow setting where a different picture pops up every time you go back to it. I logged on to see this one. Perfect timing. It made me stop for a second, take a deep breath and try to calm down a little. I was so not functional and just needed the reminder that despite what happens, whether I remember to pack everything or not, whether I stuff up a part of my assessment, everything was going to be ok.

Despite the fact that I'm not even half way through this crazy crazy day, I can do it and 

It's Gonna Be Ok.

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