Friday, January 17, 2014

Being The Sober One

The best bit about not drinking alcohol is that I'm the one to remember all the stupid things that my alcohol drinking have done and said the night before. There are also the added bonuses of waking up the next morning feeling absolutely fine, being able to go about my day as per normal and being productive. There are many good things about choosing not to drink, which people often question me about.

This girl normally joins me in sobriety, but on this particular night she went over to the dark side. Due to not being a regular drinker, and her little distance runners frame, the little alcohol she did consume went straight through her. I thought she was giggly without alcohol...woah!!!

Being my typical sober self I was able to capture this giggly mess on camera which was fantastic to watch back with her again the next day. The look on her face makes it all worthwhile. I'm not so sure she is going to leave our sober bubble in a hurry anytime soon.

People ask me all the time why I don't drink and I have many reasons. I don't like the taste, I don't like feeling any loss of control in what I say or do, I don't like not being able to make good decisions and I don't like wiping out my whole next day. There are many of those points that people argue with me, such as don't you get bored while everyone else is all loose and happy? That's the one I get the most, but my answer is if your around good people who are having a good time, you can't help but have a good time as well.

Being sober you can have just as much fun as if you were drinking, you just have to be with the right crowd in the right place. Give it a go, be the designated driver one night and embrace the water with lemon!

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