Saturday, January 11, 2014


It's forecast to be a hot one here in Perth today. Predicated max is 44 degrees and could potentially set records. But warm weather was not going to stop us from getting out and working hard. I left the house at 7am to meet a couple of people at a near by bridge before running to our training location for this morning. I checked the temp as I was walking to the bridge, it was already 25 degrees. Brace yourself!

As expected, it was flipping hot! By the time I got home two and a half hours later, the only thing I could think about was my bottle of water. I quickly sculled two bottles before even thinking about taking my shoes of to shower, and another one after hopping out of the shower.

It's 1pm now, the temperature is currently 40.2 degrees and still on its way up. So I think this arvo I will utilise water in a different way...submerge myself in it! Keep hydrated!

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