Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Morning Mobilisers

This morning I ran an Injury Prevention and Mobility Workshop for teen athletes. The objective of the workshop was to teach this athletic population how to maintain their muscle length and flexibility to get the most out of their athletic performance and achieve their goals.

Many of them had never done this kind of mobility before so we were in for a fun and painful two hours.

Teenagers tend to think they are pretty invincible. They are stubborn and keep pushing until they brake. So it was of no surprise to me, but of a great surprise to them how much these exercises hurt and just how tight their bodies really were.

There were cries and screams and horrible faces pulled ... in the warm up.

But they pushed through. They embraced everything I had to throw at them, they released muscles their didn't even realise they had and by the end of the two hours with me, they were all doing a full depth squat with good hip knee and ankle alignment.

These athletes learnt that they weren't as invincible as they thought they were, and sometimes they needed to stop, repair and maintain their bodies if they want to continue to compete and achieve at high levels. Something I also need to remind myself from time to time

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