Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Perth Summer

I'm not normally a summer person, but this year so far we have had a pretty good one. In the years gone past we have had days on end of temperatures above 36 degrees and it has felt that the heat is just never going to let up. These super hot days tend to start in December and keep going as far as into March/April when its not actually summer anymore!
When it's hot like this, I don't function well. I'm easily flustered, worked up, stressed all of which makes me hotter and it's hard to come down from there. If it's hot, and I'm hot, I feel like I can't make rational decisions and I'm easily stirred up.
This year though, summer has been relatively mild. It is the first Christmas I can remember that has been under 36 degrees, we have had only 2 heat waves for temperatures over 38 degrees which have lasted around four days each time (they usually last two weeks plus!) and the average temp has been a much more bearable 32 degrees.
Weather like this has made each day so much more enjoyable, I have been able to appreciate my days and the people I have spent them with so much more. I've gotten out and taken in the cleanliness of the city I live in, appreciated the views it has to offer and how lucky I am to be here.
If I can embrace this summer, anyone can. So get out there!

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