Sunday, January 5, 2014

Words of Advice

I have some big decisions to make. I hate making decisions almost as much as I hate change. And this decision is about change. Fantastic. Where I am right now, what I want to do and what I should do are not matching up and what I am currently doing is really meeting neither. So what do I do?

I am currently taking advice from anyone, even Instagram. This photo popped up and the first part really struck a nerve. Let Go Of What Doesn't Serve You. That reaffirmed that I do need to make a change. The bit I'm finding difficult...Do More Of What Does.

What I want to do, is more closely associated to my passion and is what I love to do every day, but what I want to do may or may not put me in a strong position for my future as there is currently a bit of uncertainty along that path. What I should do is in my mind, just ok. I don't mind that pathway, but I don't love it. However I may be better off in the long run.

So do I take a risk and do what I love and take the chance on not finishing off in a stronger position (but it could potentially end really well...its just so unknown), or do I take the sensible route and secure my future now? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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