Monday, January 13, 2014

Green Leaves

I love those leafy green trees that you often see lining streets. The really big over grown ones that spread their branches so far that they meet with the branches of the opposing tree from across the road. The ones that almost make the street look framed and block out the sky. Those trees are my favourite.

They look fresh and smell crisp and make the best rustling sound, there is just so much life about them....I am still talking about a tree.

I took this photo a couple of days after Christmas. I had just finished a session with a friend. It was a humid morning and we were both really struggling, so by the end we were both lying on grass, not yet prepared to move. I looked up and saw these leaves which reminded me of my favourite trees and as weird as it's going to sound, they brought the life back into me again....yep still talking about trees.

It's the small things like green leaves on a tree that can change the way you see your day, how your feeling and the energy you have.

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