Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Run In New Shoes

My running shoes cop a beating. I'm in them twice a day every day and they cover a lot of km's, take a lot of squats, burpees, lunges, various jumping skills, they take the extra weight I'm training shoes are very well used. I like to have two pairs of running shoes in rotation to try and get longer life out of them, but after Tough Mudder and at Colour Run last year, my older pair were retired from training.

So I was left with one pair of running shoes and my pair of light weight cross training shoes. The cross trainers though have very little cushioning in them so I would always choose not to run in them and would wear them to my more bootcamp sessions, but there would always be some running or jumping involved in these sessions anyway and I ended up with shin splints for a couple of months there.

My remaining running shoes I bought in Feb 2013 and was determined to get through to my birthday in Feb 2014...silly me! Late December, during my couple of days off from work, it was a fantastic idea to do a 10km run in the morning and then a 12km run again that body got through the runs absolutely fine...everything but my feet. When I got my shoes off at the end of the second run I had two massive blisters in the arch of my foot.

Throughout that night they continued to grow and for the next 4 days I was not able to wear shoes at all. Not even thongs. So the order was put in for two new pairs of running shoes and in the week it took them to arrive, I was using blister blocks and strapping my foot up twice a day every day.

But yesterday they arrived!!! There was that amazing feeling of putting on new running shoes and feeling half a cm taller compared to the old squashed down running shoes. My feet actually felt like they were bouncing off the ground while I ran. Best feeling ever!

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