Thursday, January 30, 2014


Tried viewing the world from the wrong side up lately? I recommend it. The blood comes rushing to your head and it's feels a little like it's going to explode. If you think it was full before you get into the handstand, think again. 
I have just started adding hand stands in to some of my workouts. Actually more handstand push ups which to be honest are not going so well, particularly on this day. I've found it to be slightly easier if you kick up onto a wall that has a slight incline away from you. A straight up and down wall was just plain difficult. Just a little tip for next time your doing push ups with you legs up in the air. 
When I am up in a handstand, I am thinking very much about where I should be looking. Is it easier to hold the position if your looking straight down at your hands? Thats what you see most people do, but doesn't that changed the curvature of your spine, which changes your core stability and position, making it harder to hold that position? So do you change it to look out between your hands? But then I feel like I'm going to fall into a forward roll...thoughts? 
But being butt up in the air, everything stops. You stop thinking, you stop noticing your surrounds. All you can do is try and remind yourself to breathe and tense every muscle to hold yourself there. It's like for those few seconds, the whole world long can you freeze the moment for?

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