Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Week In

Did you realise that we are one week into 2014? There are only 51 weeks left before its 2015.

I remember saying at the end of last year that it felt like 2013 had gone by so quickly, so when I realised this morning that we have already been through a whole week of 2014, I was stunned. I swear I blinked and missed it! So far 2014 has definitely been full speed ahead, so it's no wonder we get to the end of each year and wonder where it has gone.

Like I said I'm a full speed ahead person and the point of this blog for me was to try to notice and appreciate one thing every day that I was thankful to have in my life, to have happen, to have witnessed, anything really. But by pumping my way through the way I realised I have in this past week, it's hard to stop, notice and appreciate the small things.

It has been brought up to me by a few people that I need to take out more time in the day as 'down time' where I stop and breathe a little. I tend to run around like a headless chook and find it very hard to relax when I do have the time to...sleep doesn't come easy to me for that reason.

Two of my goals for 2014 and onwards are to watch 1 movie a week and I am going to make more time to stop and breathe, doing something that is not work/study/training related.

So how are you going? Is your plan to achieve your goals and make your changes in place. Have you worked out where you want to be by the end of 2014 and how your life is going to be different to how it is now. Or do you still have a bit of work to do! Get onto it, only 51 weeks to go!!

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