Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Senior Citizens

We have a few Physios on leave at the moment. One of them runs the community exercise classes at three different retirement villages around our practice, and I tend to be the one to cover these classes when he does go away. These classes make my days pretty huge, so Monday morning I packed up everything I was going to need for the day and set of much earlier then I would normally ready to take on my seniors.

To tell you the truth, the thought of what I was taking on for the next 4 weeks was a little daunting and after a very unsettled and sleepless weekend, I was probably starting my week out on the wrong foot. I was tired before I'd even started.

I walked into the first of the classes I was teaching, and I was pleasantly surprised that a lot of the attendee's remembered me from the last time I covered these classes. I wasn't expecting that. It also turns out that the regular Physio had pre-warned them that I'm a hard task master. So they were pumped and ready to go.

As was the next big class of 14 for hydrotherapy. The participants were very high energy and chatting away, laughing and gossiping about the happenings around the villages, who had done what over Christmas and New Year and were happy to try really hard for me. By the end of my morning with these lovely elderlies, I was feeling better. More positive and optimistic about how the next 4 weeks is going to pan out, and they set me up for a better afternoon of treating my regular clients.

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