Thursday, January 9, 2014

Better Late Then Never

I ordered my brothers Christmas Present online well over 6 weeks before Christmas. I bought him a waterproof blue tooth speaker for him to take out on his paddle board, in the pool at the beach etc. Perfect for him. 
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so when week after week it didn't arrive and I was starting to get nervous, I convinced myself that it was ok, it would be here next week, it would be here in time. One week out from Christmas, no present. Starting to get very worried. So I emailed the company that was suppose to be sending it to me.
Turns out it had been lost in the mail...fantastic! They were going to send out another speaker, but it was not going to make it in time for Christmas. So what I ended up doing was printing out a picture of what was on it was and made him a fill in present/gift voucher...a batch of cupcakes of his choice.
Yesterday, the speaker finally arrived in the mail, and perfect timing as well. He is flying out to Bali with his girlfriend today and the speaker has been packed into his suitcase to be used by the pool. So I'm still glad I chose the gift for him that I did and although it didn't really work out the first time round...didn't make it in time for Christmas. When it did arrive it was still greatly appreciated and did arrive with good timing in another aspect.
There is always a silver lining.

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