Thursday, January 2, 2014

Glow Sticks

I don't know what I find so exciting about glow sticks, but I love them...almost as much as I love glitter! They are a pointless piece of glowing plastic that last 6 or so hours and then its all over. But how cool is the glowing?

Growing up we always use to snap glow sticks when we were going to watch fireworks, which brings back great memories of being amazed by the exploding glittery lights in the sky. It was either those days or at Leavers, sitting on the floor of the shack we were in at Rottnest, snapping them open so the liquid would come out which we would use as paint.

Both of which, fun times. Glow sticks remind me of great memories so when a 4 year old girl was walking around on New Years Eve handing glow sticks out to everyone...excited!

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