Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Fresh Start

Welcome to 2014! How strange is that? I've only just got use to writing 2013 and now I have to change that last number again?! People often ask 'What is your New Years Resolution?', The one I hear most often, getting fitter and healthier, and it's normally by the same people every how's that going for you?

Personally I don't believe in setting New Years Resolutions. What I do believe in though is making a change, not just for a year, for life. But it needs to be specific, just 'Getting Fit' is not enough. Try 'I'm going to run 5km three times a week' or 'I'm going to train for and complete in the Women's Triathlon'. So instead of saying this year I'm going to get fit set a gal and change for life.

For me? I won't let myself dwell on the past, not worry about what may or may not happen in the future, but take each day as it comes. Happy New Year and make 2014 your year!

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