Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Not So Pretty

To tell you the truth, I don't even know what this is! It's like a giant horned caterpillar. And really my photo doesn't do it justice, this thing was huge! I'd say a good 12-15cm long and it was on a mission down a flight of stairs. I took this photo as the caterpillar was on the vertical part of the step clinging for life.

I was walking with a friend up Kokoda (a tough flight of trail stairs in Kings Park) when we saw this beast and we stopped to watch is power down the steps because we were so fascinated by the huge ugly caterpillar.

We continued on our merry way and on our way back to our starting point, which took us back down the Kokoda stairs. I was on look out for this bug and kind of pointed and screamed when we came across it again, however this time it was a squashed giant horned caterpillar...may it rest in peace.

But my point here is that it's not always the pretty things you have to notice in life. Notice the things that are left of centre or a bit different. Not everything is bright and shiny but by noticing the strange and quirky things around you, you appreciate the bright and shiny even more. So find something that doesn't stand out to you because it is pretty, but stands out for a different reason.

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