Friday, January 3, 2014


I find it very difficult to stay still. I get bored very quickly and think of other things I have to do which I get up and do right then are there. I have been told many times before that I need to learn to chill out a bit and slow myself down, but finding things to help me do that has definitely been hard!

People have suggested to try watching a movie, reading a book or a magazine...lasted around 20 minutes, then later two even less. I'm just so easily distracted and my mind is in a million places at once that I barely even notice myself getting up and going away.

So, someone gave me a puzzle. I was sceptical. But I had to sit down and use my brain to sort out pieces and work out where they belong. There was less opportunity for my mind to wander away from what I was doing and I didn't get bored as quickly because I was thinking so much about the task that was right in front of me. I managed to stay still for a whole 30 minutes before I was ready to get up and go do something else. Progress!


  1. Just wanted to say I've been reading back through your blog and it's addictive! Great blog!!
