Sunday, January 12, 2014


It's another hot one here today. The minimum over night was 32 degrees at 3am this morning. When I was out and running this morning at 7am it was already 37 degrees. So I decided that I would run in just my crop top and shorts instead of sweating through another shirt as well. My favourite crop top is my black Determined Lorna Jane one. So wacked it on, with some shorts and shoes and with my iPod in was out the door pretty quick.

I was just doing an out and back type run this morning (not my favourite but was struggling a little). I got to my half way point and turned around to start on my way home again. I was about 500m into my way back and I was starting to catch back up with some of the walkers I had passed on my way out. One particular older man stepped off the path onto the grass as I approached him and started trying to say something to me.

So I stopped and pulled an earbud out expecting to have to give him directions or something, but he smiled at me and said 'Determined seems like a very good name for you!' ....Awwww, so sweet! I thanked him and we both continued on our way.

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