Saturday, January 4, 2014

Smile Reminder

I'd gotten some bad news today and was having trouble finding something to smile about. I tried really hard to remember all the positive things I have in my life, and things I am thankful about, things to look forward to....but nothing could bring about that smile.

So I did what I always do, went for a swim. I smashed through 5 km, shared my lane with a lovely guy who I have seen around the pool a couple of times before, who complimented my on my swimming speed and technique and said that I keep myself very fit. Small grin resulted. A good warm up, but a little more was required.  

I then got back to my bag and checked my phone to see the screen shot above. About a week ago I downloaded the Smile More App. 3-5 times a day at random times, a text gets sent to you phone, the point to give you more reasons to smile. And after the news I had received earlier this morning, this gave me some hope...cue smile.

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