Monday, May 19, 2014


I have had a new career opportunity thrown my way. One that is exciting and has a whole heap of potential, but is also extremely scary...I'm shaking in my boots.

It all started when a guy sent me a very simple message, that read 'check out Health Fixation in South Perth. give them a call'. I didn't really know what to take away from the message, but took his advice, jumped on Google and plugged it in. Up popped a brand new business (and when I say brand new, I mean opened yesterday!!) that promoted rehab, group training, personal training and massage (take note, no mention of Physio). So I flicked them an email giving a quick background about me and if they had any business opportunities to please let me know. The owner emailed me back 45 minutes later saying he would like to speak to me regarding this. Called me within the hour and we had a meeting set up for everything always full steam ahead??

Upon meeting him, I could see the potential, but I was nervous. It's soooooo new and that is what scares me the most by far! He was keen to get me there as soon as possible. But is it smart for me to jump from a job where I had a strong client base and where I am comfortable working although have limitations financially; to a completely new practice where I would almost be starting over again but has a good potential if the business were to take off....keep in mind I am also a new home owner.

I have spoken to a few people about it and heard perspectives from sides of the coin I didn't even know existed. I've had people tell me go for it, people tell me leave it another couple of months, of a couple of years, saying start part time and just do a couple hours until the business grows and one even telling me to try and get in as a part owner because of the credentials I am bringing to the business. The best advice I have received though, was a friend who just said, Go with your gut.

So although my mind is still spinning out of control and I am writing pro's and con's lists like you wouldn't believe, I am so thankful to everyone that wants to help me make a career changing decision. I just need the world to slow down and more time!

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