Sunday, May 18, 2014

Twinkling Water

I was up unexpectedly early today. I wasn't really suppose to be starting my day until around 6.30, the time my alarm was set for. But by 5.15 I was wide awake and sick of waiting around anymore, so by 5.30am I was out and running. Again probably the only one in Perth who was up and it was still super dark outside. 

Not really sure where I wanted to run, because I wasn't sure how I was going to pull up from the massive session the night before, I took off along the river with the plan to turn around about 1km in and head the other direction around the river.

I was coming back and approaching a small jetty and noticed the water was sparkling at me. No I'm not delirious, it's early I know, but I am 100% of sound mind. The river water was actually sparkling. 

The twinkling water was so pretty and adds another great reason to being up early in the morning to my list. I love a good sunrise, I like the calm and quiet before the business of the day begins, I like being up and moving while while the rest of the world is still asleep, and now I like the twinkling river water! I still maintain, I'm not crazy! 

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