Monday, May 26, 2014


I love a good jumper. Nothing makes you feel better then putting on a jumper that is still relatively new and the inside it still fluffy..mmmm fluffy jumpers!

It is now officially jumper weather here in Perth. Cool enough to be wearing something warm with long sleeves all day and all night...yep I sleep in my jumpers too! But not too cold that your throwing on every jumper you can find, turning yourself into a giant marshmallow that can't move it's limbs properly.

This week just gone, the weather has been pretty miserable. Grey skies, cloud cover and intermittent rain/drizzle...frizzy hair come at me! So not only is the temperature ideal, but the weather also screams STAY INSIDE AND PUT ON A JUMPER.

I've always side I'm a winter person, and this is exactly why. Sure it's raining and my hair is turning into even more of an afro then it normally is, but it means I get to curl into a ball with lots of warm think clothes that are unbelievably comfortable.

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