Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Double Unders

The work outs for this weekends Three Vs Three Showdown Crossfit competition have started being released, one each day for four days. The first one to come out, which will start off our day of competition is:

3 Rounds for Time - one round per team member
75 Double Unders
15 Shoulder to Overhead 35kg
60m Sprint
10 minute time cap for all three rounds.
So adding to the squat hold diaries this week, are the double under diaries. We are skipping anywhere and everywhere. I even pulled out the rope inside at the practice yesterday will i had a 5 minute break between clients...notes vs eating vs double unders - double unders hands down!!
I am lucky in that I have pretty good timing and can get the rope around fast, so can get out a few double unders in short periods of time. Yesterday I managed all 75 in 1 min and 2 seconds. This morning at training double unders has been again thrown in the WOD, tabata style. So 8 rounds of 20 seconds of double unders, counting your reps. Excited to say I killed it with 198. So I would consider these little demons to be a strength of mine.
My team mates are constanly on the rope too, and both are also improving in leaps and bounds, or skips. #zerotocrossfitin3weeks

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