Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Still Down South. This was what has filled most of my day. I started my morning by going for a run. Well attempting a run. Turns out the legs weren't quite ready for it, and I only got out 6km at a slower then my usual pace.

I ran along Geograph Bay Road which runs next to the beach. The time was around seven am and there were a few people also out walking, riding and running for a good start to the day. One of the things I love about being down south are the people. Every single person that I ran past or who crossed me in the opposite direction spoke to me. Lots of good mornings, lovely days etc. But everyone down there goes out of their way to greet complete strangers. Just nice people.

I drove to Bunkers Bay, which is around a thirty minute drive from central Busselton, and is a beautiful beach, surrounded and hidden in bush. I was there for around three hours. People have told me in the past that when you need to think, go and sit by the ocean, it's calming. So that was my plan. And I got a hell of a lot of thinking done.

I worked through some things that are holding me back, some terrible news, my future, where I was headed and what I wanted out of life. I got a lot of thinking done. A lot of crying too, but a lot of thinking. And that's what I wanted to get out of today. I knew the tears would come, and I think I was ready for that finally. To be down here, away from everyone else, all the pressure and stress of work and life back in the city, was relieving and I and thankful, glad and proud of myself for doing it.

So go sit by the ocean, it's calming.

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