Thursday, May 15, 2014

Getting Into The Shoulders

Well the splint is off! I am down to rock tape 24/7 and a support over the top when I am working and training. So this means....back to upper body training, properly!!!! Did you know it's been 8 weeks since I have done a push up? Didn't even know if I would still have the strength to support my own body weight? Only one way to find out.

It's known that when I do something I tend to give 100%, so launching back in to training properly? Hmmm, we would see. First day out though, and we had our private Crossfit coaching that night for the up coming show down, after a full day of work. I had missed the first session because I was down south racing so wasn't really sure what I was in store for, or how my wrist/upper body strength would hold out. And we were doing Chin Ups. Nervous.

Still stiff from being in a splint for the past 6 weeks and immobilised for two weeks prior to that, it wasn't feeling very strong or stable and I had to drop the weight down and add a band for the chin ups. But made it through, stuffed! Next morning just did a run...first run back since the Ironman, and Sunday was a one and a half hour circuit style workout....with a lot of shoulders. By the end of Sunday shoulders were aching and had nothing in them, and still nothing when I tried to swim the next morning.

So what to do? Crank them back open with a hell of a lot of mobility. The one above we were shown last week and was more then uncomfortable, in a really strange indescribable way. But with a lot more work on them, over the following few days, I repeated this same stretch and got further into it before the weird restrictions came on.

So I am thankful to have this splint off my arm, to be able to get back to upper body training, and to be able to open the shoulders back up again once they have been smashed!

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