Thursday, May 8, 2014

Finally Jumping The Hurdle

There are always hurdles that we come across. Some we jump over day in day out without even realising, some seem more like a stick and then you come across the mountains. The ones that you stand next to and don't even know where to put your foot first or how you are going to get over it. 

Yeah I have been staring at that mountain for months now. I have been a few steps up it for a little while but just couldn't work out where to go next to get me further up. That was until this weekend. 

This weekend I started trying to dig the footholds that would at some point hopefully get me over this obstacle. And by the end of it, the mountain appeared a little smaller to me, there was an almost visible path. 

After a really big push from some friends, I jumped my hurdle. It wasn't the most graceful leap I must say, but what had been an impossible mountain for me for such a long time constantly holding me up has now been jumped. 

A little cryptic today I know, but it is less about the outcome of the saturation that's I am proud of and most that I finally built up the courage to do what needed to be done (with a hell of a lot of help) to get me to the other side.

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