Friday, May 16, 2014

Just Do It

I don't normally publically announce this kind of thing, but I'm teaching myself to be honest and to speak my mind. I was wasting time, trolling through Pinterest this morning and someone had pinned this image. I smiled because I got one of these the other day.

I guy I went to primary school with found and added me on Facebook. Made the usual hi, how you been, what you been up to conversation and I thought that was that. Throughout my school life I was the back corner kid who hid out of sight a little bit, wasn't overly smart, artistic or gifted at anything in particular. Didn't stand out from the crowd for any reason and didn't want to...just your average kid. So it was nice to be remembered.

Couple of days later I received another message from him reading "Hmmm your way hotter then I remember". Totally out of the blue, had no idea what to say in reply. But at the same time...little fist pump on the inside.

Honestly, I don't train to 'make myself hot' as some people say. I train for my health and for how I feel during and after each session. But the 'You Got Hot' definitely makes you feel like you are achieving something for putting yourself through the pain. So no matter what you are training for, JUST DO IT! It is worth it!

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