Saturday, May 10, 2014

Running Ducks

Have you ever seen a duck try to run? When there wings are out and it looks like they are going to take off to fly, but decide to stay on the ground instead? Head is poked forwards and they push their beak with every step to look kind of like an emu? And the spastic looking steps that make them look half human half baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time.

I have to say I haven't seen it too many times before, but I did this morning. I was starting out on an early morning run after a big session last night and the body was not feeling fresh to say the least. But it was also the first proper run back since the half one week ago now.

About 5 minutes in gets me down to the river, and at this time of morning the ducks seem to still be getting themselves going for the day, as with the rest of the world I suppose. So they were everywhere, all across the paths, on the grass, in the water. So when I go running along the path, it seems like they are not really sure what to do, they just need to get out of the way and fast!! Hence the running

As I said a above, it looks somewhat like a bird trying to be a human but ends up more like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time. Very entertaining. And kept me entertained for another 10 minutes while the body loosened up a little.

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