Thursday, May 22, 2014


I'm not going to lie, I tend to be a massive self doubter. And I mentioned yesterday that we are almost a week out of this Crossfit competition. Something that's I very new and very scary to me and my two team mates. Over the past few weeks doubt has been crossing my mind....what have I signed myself up for?

In the private sessions we have been having, we have been taught and practicing some of the more advanced and difficult skills and as I guess would be expected, they have been hard to get my head around and pull my body through. I would leave the session physically and mentally exhausted and that lovely self doubting voice would pop into my head questioning my abilities.

A couple of people I have trained with in the past have tried to re-assure me, 'You'll be fine' they'd say, 'your so fit!'. But I still wasn't convinced. The doubt was building and the stress was starting to show when one team member gave us a talking to.

Just want to say I BELIEVE IN YOU BOTH !!! I know my words probably don't mean much but I wouldnt be doing this with any other girls.
this is new to all of us and we are in it together, worst case senario is we all fall down together... LAUGHING! its a FUN experience and its something new for us all to try...
in all honesty there will be intermediates in beginner..... beginners in intermediate... RX chics in intermediate...
So all we do is go out there and have fun and try our hardest. we will at least have 30-60 minutes to find out what the wod is and strategies how we are going to do it. if we get a wod that is all the crossfit moves that we have just learnt, then hey worst case again, is we all try 2 reps at a time and keep swapping... that is what being a team is about.
We are all there for each other. so we are in this together....
keep focused in the mind, keep the determination you both have strong... my god you two are the most strongest and hard working girls i know so your determination will get you though but we need to support and encourage each other. not doubting ourselves!!

It was exactly what I needed. I trust this girl 100%, so if she has faith in me and in our team, then I should to. The training we have been doing has been ridiculously hard, but why shouldn't it be? If it were easy, everyone could do it and it would be the challenge we signed up for.

I am now looking for the positives anywhere I can find them. Last night for example, I front squatted 40kg. 4 weeks ago I couldn't even front squat an 8kg bar. So I'm still not an amazing front squatter...what I do consider myself to be pretty ok at is Burpees! We all have our strengths and we all have our weaknesses, and due to each of our athletic backgrounds, we have a pretty good cover of almost everything that might be thrown at us!

One week out, and I am changing my mind set. I am going to go into this thing giving my best, just like I do with any other competition or event I'm in, and more importantly to have fun with two girls who I love to pieces!

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