Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day

The day world wide Mothers are celebrated for their unconditional love and support given to their families. Some people go to town on gifts, kids spend hours making a special card and painted pasta necklace for their mums at preschool, take their mums out for breakfast, lunch, tea or cook them dinner, or just take their mums to the footy.

The way the day is celebrated is completely different from one person to the next and in the current overload of social media, everyone's celebrations are shown to the world. But what stood out to me a bit more were the stories behind them. I saw a lot of you standard posts by a child about their mother, but what I also saw a bit of were peoples posts about women, who were not necessarily their mother, but more their mother figure, or even just played a significant role in this persons life, developing them into the person they have become today.

So today I am thankful to all mothers in the world, whether they be mother by blood, certificate or otherwise. Every mother is the biggest role model to those around them. It is by far the hardest job in the world and I take my hat off to all those who give it a go.

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