Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Getting Qualified

I am now a fully qualified Personal Trainer. I finished all my course components over the Easter weekend, sent them off a couple of days later and got a call from the Personal Training Academy, though who I complete the course late last week to say my final assessment material had arrive and had been assessed.

I talked through the assessment with my examiner and was given Advanced Competency. Woooo! The last of my certificates arrived in the mail yesterday and there you have it, Qualification complete! It's strange to think that only 5 months ago, I was tossing up hugely on the decision to complete this qualification, or continue with my long winded application to become a registered Physiotherapist in the state of British Columbia, Canada.

Looking at where I am now, and where it looks like my career may be headed, I am convinced I made the right decision. I spoke to a friend I went to uni with who started the Canadian Registration process at the same time as me, and only now is he ready to go and sit the written exam over in BC - so he has to book flights and accommodation to go do the exam...which is part 2 of 3. It's been a year.

But the new up coming job opportunities that are jumping in my path, I am thankful that I made the decision to complete these certificates, I am thankful to the people who stopped me from running away and backed me in this decision, and to those who helped me complete the course!! Things only go up from here.

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