Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Squat Hold

We are around two weeks out for our first Crossfit Competition, the Three Vs Three Showdown - were as a team of three chicks we compete against other teams in WOD's (workouts of the day) revealed to us when we arrive.

We have changed up our training I a bit over the past month to be every event focused, and pretty much everything we are doing - training wise and just throughout our days is targeted around this event. We have been getting some private coaching over the past few weeks and one of the things we have been encouraged to do is build up some time in a squat hold position.

We are trying to open our hips, lower back and ankles, and getting more length in our gluts, quads and calves. As I have mentioned before, I am lucky to have pretty good flexibility after being involved in dancing gymnastics and diving throughout my life and can hold the position comfortably for around 5 minutes at a time...but one particular team member is not so blessed. Getting to 1 minute is a pretty big deal. So as a team, we are committing to the target of 30 minutes a day.

We are dropping into a squat anywhere and everywhere. While skyping with friends, watching tv, writing patient notes, playing with the dog at the park, while teaching boxing classes, working on the laptop, or even just while taping the hands before a session. We call it The Squat Hold Diaries. If you follow us on Instagram ( clo_itzstein mirandamc imperiumbabes) stay tuned, the diaries will be up soon!!

But I am pleased to say that the hips are slowly opening, muscles are getting longer and more flexible and tolerable time in the squat hold is increasing. Give it a go yourselves!!

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