Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last Chance Training

The night before the big weekend and we had our last private session to get us in the mind frame. It was all about technique, strategy and final last minute practices with the weights we were going to need to get up come Sunday.

After practicing the shoulder to overhead component and having a quick practice of split jerks, all three of us are ready to go for the first round, order being Chloe-Miranda-Bec. Second round is just pure tag team. Looks like me again first for the running aspect and that way I can drop in for every second run if the not so cardio lovers start struggling.

Jumped forwards quickly to the final round: 40kg power cleans. Although we had been practicing these over the past couple of days and I had finally gotten my first few out at comp weight, Coach Coote dropped the bombshell that we also need to front squat each and every clean. AHHHHHHH!!! was not ready for that! The pocket rocket has no problems getting the weight up and straight into her squat, us other two however have to complete them as two separate moves - clean and then squat. Dammit! So the plan? Bec x4 - Miranda x3 - Chloe x2-3.

Finally getting our heads around these cleans, we went back to the third round....30kg snatches. We just got a couple of reps out at a progressing weight, and somewhat confident with our technique and getting the bar down and back up quickly we decided that I would probably be doing more of the pushups in this WOD to save the other two for the snatches which I am not so great at.

Plans are in place, feeling good. Nervous, but ready. Last chance training complete!

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