Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Rain Drop

Working from home again this morning. I had a very funny chick who likes to tell me very loudly when it's 'not ok!'. I was releasing her QL - right side first which is normally the better of the two, but that was flipped on its head today. Her right side was definitely not ok and she did not hold back on telling me!

So before starting on the left, I gave her my rain drop, and laughed as she regressed back to childhood ways and started making little voices for the rain drop. Suddenly all the pain had melted away and she was completely distracted and captivated by the strangely calming smiley face of the squishy rain drop man.

She made if through the left side relatively ok, with minimal squeals and 'not ok's'. Rain Drop served his purpose. He can be a bit hit and miss though. Some people are totally humours by him and his strange looking face, while others tend to squeeze the guts out of him or throw him. Was very entertained by the response to the Rain Drop this morning though, and had a good giggle!

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