Friday, May 23, 2014

Rest Day

I never thought I would actually say this! Normally I am so against rest days and yes I know that they are good for me, help me recover and allow me to push harder next time. But keeping me still is like a mission organised to military precision.

Today however was a different story. I was exhausted. I went to teach my boxing class this morning and was feeling the struggle already. I had a day off programmed in today anyway but had planned to practice a couple of chin ups after I finished boxing. But considering the effort required to keep my body upright....yeah maybe not today.

I had a friend come over and I was taping her up to help with her recovery and she asked me what I was going to do before going into work. When I realised I didn't have much that needed to be done in the next couple of hours, there was a wave of relief.

So I crashed. Unable to even really think about what I needed to do, I took up residence on the couch with my computer and started on some of the little jobs I have been putting off for a while, like my fitness registration, dealing with a few emails and sorting out weekend plans....yeah it may be rest day but I still get stuff done, just the easy stuff.

I was thankful to be able to come home with not much to do in the couple of hours I had before going in to work for a manageable day with a decent case load of patients I like working with.

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