Friday, May 30, 2014


Animals are sure growing on me at the moment. I would normally definitely not call myself a dog person, but again over the past month or so that may be changing. It may be due to the fact that I am actively trying to get rid of my allergies to dogs and cats by exposing myself to them more, or just the general idea that they are growing on me.

But yes, today I am thankful for puppies....didn't think I would be saying that one anytime soon.

I had a friend pop over for a visit this morning just to check up on me and have a chat, and she was puppy sitting. So she walked over to my place with this little fluff ball in tow. I wouldn't say that my house is puppy friendly but I have a pretty massive back yard with a lot of plants, bushes, shrubs....apparently the perfect puppy playground.

Watching this little nugget run around, chase leaves, bark at my bird and get rose buds stuck on the backs of his legs brought a big smile to my face and was well and truly a highlight of my day.

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