Friday, May 2, 2014

Beating The Sun

I've said it before, a number of times, but I love being up early in the morning. I love starting the day in the dark knowing that you still have the whole day ahead of you and that you are not wasting day light. Because the sun is coming up much later (like 6.30am), it means that half my boxing class is completed in the dark these days.

Normally in winter time we do retreat inside to the upstairs studio, but the air circulation at the gym I work at is not ideal and even on those sub ten degree mornings, five minutes of the class and everyone is in a pool of sweat. So this year, we are staying outside for longer. Given it is very fresh at the start of the class and takes them a little while to warm up, but being out in the fresh air and watching the sun rise while you are training is a much nicer way to start the day then in a stuffy and dusty hall.

Back when I was swimming, I wasn't so keen about these early mornings. I think the thing was I was getting up at 4.45am, getting to the pool still partly asleep, then had to take all my clothes off and dive into a pool of water. I would think about my friends who would still tucked up in their warm beds still yet to get up and get ready for school. I use to think that if the sun was up, I would feel better about being up myself. How things have changed!

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